Saturday, March 24, 2012

Was it something I said?

A couple years ago, I had a chance to sit down with Fredrick P. Kessler, my State Assemblyman.  He was walking around the neighborhood carrying his own nomination petitions around and getting signatures to be placed on the ballot to be re-elected.  I knew his politics up front (he is a complete leftist, his nickname is 'red Fred'), and we had a chance to chat on my front porch for about twenty minutes.  We both knew going into the conversation that we were on opposite sides of the aisle, but he still took the time to chat with me.  You gotta respect a politician like that.

Flash forward to now.  Earlier this month, I learned that I was redistricted from Kessler's district into the neighboring district, represented by Jason M. Fields, another politician I will have very little in common with.  I reached out to Rep Fields a couple weeks ago regarding a vote he took, but have yet to receive a reply from him.

My email was short, as shown below:

To the Honorable Jason M. Fields
Dear Rep. Fields,

I am new to your district, and as such, I am now acquainting myself with your past actions as a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly. In my looking at your votes, I notice that you voted NO on AB 426, the mining bill. I am curious about your rationale on this vote. I would appreciate hearing your views.

Jim Smith

I am going to retry again, this time with a longer email.  I'll post the updated email, and any repsonses.

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